The Make in Finland – The Manufacturing Industry Ecosystem works towards sustainable and innovative practices that drive global leadership. The collaboration brings together key players from the manufacturing and digitalisation sectors. New partners are warmly welcome.

We welcome new partners to join Make in Finland:

The ecosystem was launched in June, 2024 in Tampere to join forces to champion sustainable and smart manufacturing. The founders of Make in Finland are members of the FAMN and MEX Finland ecosystems and companies belonging to the SIX Manufacturing consortium. Founding members include Wärtsilä, Konecranes, Nokia, Tasowheel, TT Gaskets, Elematic, Danfoss Drives, Meyer Turku, Sandvik, Siemens, Ponsse, Fastems, KL Mechanics, Prima Power and Beckhoff Automation.

Event examples for 2024

The new ecosystem brings together a range of companies, from large manufacturers to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), along with service providers and education and research institutions. By joining forces, the stakeholders aim to share knowledge, resources, best practices, research and development facilities. In addition, the ecosystem drives competence development and access to joint projects and innovation funding. Ecosystem collaboration reduces costs and fosters an environment where innovation and growth can thrive.

”All companies interested in the development of manufacturing are welcome to join. There is strength in collaborative development, and in the future, more and more experts from different companies will have the opportunity to learn from each other and enhance the capabilities and competitiveness of Finnish manufacturing industry,” says Juha Päivike, Director, Logistics Chain & Ecosystems, Wärtsilä.

This collaborative approach is expected to benefit not only the individual companies involved but also the broader Finnish manufacturing sector, ultimately enhancing its global competitiveness.

Make in Finland is orchestrated by DIMECC